Dienstag, 14. August 2007

Bout Time Some Shit Went Right!!!

Damn! I have a lot of updating to do!!! Alright, first things first....So, last Friday night, I spent some time with Brandon over his house. Everything went all well and fine until I left. I said good-bye, walked out his door at like 10 something at night, and started walking towards the car. As I approached the car, I realized that parked two doors up from his house was a blue Nissan Sentra with the tag number "MEF 112." Then I realized, "this bitch Ebony is sitting outside this nigga house!" So i got in the car, and drove around the block to get a better look at the license tag, because I just knew I had to be seeing things. When I came back around and looked, I was Certain.....it was her. But better yet, she knew that I had circled around the block to look at her tag, so she had cut her car off and ducked down in the front seat....(ok, stalking tips for dummies: If you're going to stalk somebody in your car, make sure that after you cut your car off AND take your foot off the BRAKE! Because if you're foot is still on the brake, even though your car is off and you can't be seen, it's obvious that somebody is still in the car, because although you can see it yourself, your brake lights in the back are shining. But hey, I guess she's an amateur at this shit.)Anyway....So I circled the block a second time, because this time I was going to get out of my car and ask her was she waiting for something, but of course, by the time that I came back around, the bitch had hauled ass out. Now, is this some crazy shit or what? Is this bitch stalking muthafuckas now? Was the dick that damn good to her? I know that she was a virgin before, but damn! So I told Brandon that she was sitting outside his house when I left. First, he tried to tell me that he didn't think that it was her. But after I cussed his ass out and let him know that I had seen her cheap ass license plate enough times to know the number by heart, he believed me. Then I told him for what I told him would be my final time letting his ass know: "You need to get rid of that bitch, NOW." He said he called her but that her cell phone was disconnected, (yeah, whatever-the-fuck-ever.) And that he didn't think that he would be hearing from her for a while since I had caught her outside his house, (whatever-the-fuck-ever to that shit, too), and that once he did get in contact with her that he would let her know, (once again-whatever-the-fuck-ever.) I was kind of mad about his bullshitting around with this shit, but hell what do I care. So I laughed at that desperate ass bitch and decided that "hey, if he don't know, I won't be the one to tell his ass." So on to some great news......Just when shit was starting to go down the drain again, I got a note in the mail saying that I had got a grant next year for $3000.00 for school. That was exciting. But even better, a day later, I went to school and checked my e-mail and found out that the U.S. Dept. of Ed. has also given me an additional $7000.00 in grants, bringing my grand total to $11,000.00! I screamed so loud, I had to leave the building I was in! My tuition for next year is completely covered! (Now of course, I had to get over on the gov't to get the money, but hell, I'm a hustla, ask about me.) So now that next year is covered, that frees up my money to do so many other things. Like now, I can finally get a new car!! Thank GOD! But better yet, I can get a car that I want. It makes no sense that all the damn money I make, I haven't been able to get another car yet because I've been busting my ass paying tuition, but now that I don't have to do that anymore, I might be in a damn BMW next year, (not a brand new one, of course.) But all's well that ends well. I'm so happy!!! Of course, when I told Brandon about the news, he wasn't as ecstatic as I was. I'm guessing that he realized that if my school was being paid for next year by someone other than me, that I can finally leave MD and go to school in another state. I think that's what his fear is. But as of now, I'm staying at Towson, for my own reasons, not his at all. But it doesn't matter...I'm still excited about my shit. So fuck em all!(Oh, and by the way, I found out that some of ya'll been checking my journal, I'm a little nervous about that, but hey it's cool. Thanks for the love. Shout out to Alex Z! Later!)

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